20 March 2011

Pregnancy Week Scan

Assalamualaikum...Hi all, I have sooo many things to share about my pregnancy scan but I'm quite busy now and having this weird diseases (should I call it disease?) where my hands and both feet lenguh2 & sometimes mcm sakit tulang. On the 22 week scan I can see my baby's face really well. The baby was very active during the ultrasound & flipped all the way over a few times. I saw my baby punch my stomach, waved it legs and faced my husband and me.... My baby had a cute looking face with nice lips and a cute button nose. My baby was so cute moving all over and I was so happy to see those tiny little hands and feet. The doc also show us the baby backbone. Im so happy to have been able to see such a great show that morning, all my fears went away... And last night I saw my baby in my dreams. Anybody else having dreams of their babies...? Well...Good luck and God bless you with a healthy baby be it a boy or a girl.... :)

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang

Ya Allah, peliharalah anakku selama di dalam kandungan dan sembuhkanlah ia, Engkau Maha Penyembuh, tiada sembuhan melainkan penawar-Mu, sembuh yang tidak meninggalkan kesan buruk. Ya Allah, lahirkan ia daripada kandunganku dengan kelahiran yang mudah dan sejahtera. Ya Allah, jadikanlah ia sihat sempurna, Ya Allah, elokkanlah perangai (akhlak), fasihkanlah lidahnya dan perelokkanlah suaranya untuk membaca hadis dan Al-Quran dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w


  1. atie....insyaAllah bile baby dh slamat kuar anum akn infor ye :)

  2. semoga anum n baby selamat!! kite doakan yg terbaik buat anum... amin.. tak sabar!!!

  3. thanks nor doakn anum...hrp2 smuanya slamat hngga anum slamat deliver baby dlm perut ni :-)
