13 February 2012

“If you fail to plan, you’re plan to fail”

Assalamualaikum.... Wanna share with all readers regarding money plan a.k.a future saving. Here is what i got...

Financial planning involves identifying ur long and short-term goals for the future. Without a plan, u find urself wondering where all of ur money went at the end of each month. Spending plan is a way or an alternative form of budgeting. i.e : Short range goals are accomplished within one year, mid-range goals within 2 to 5 years & long range goals generally take more than 5 years to achieve (ramai yg belum terpikir ttg retirement plan).

Keeping a simple savings plan means that you will be more likely to reach your goal (and buy that thing you really need). In my case, by choosing exactly where my money goes, i can purposely set aside extra for emergencies, special vacations or a rainy day. Ask yourself....
  • Decide what you’re saving for. What are your goals? Give yourself plenty of time – saving can seem to take forever.
  • Think about how long it will take to reach the goals you’ve set. Be realistic and you will avoid feeling pressure.
  • Review the pros and cons beforehand so that you know what you're getting into with your savings plan and what affect it will have on your life.

So many of us leave ALLAH behind when it comes to money. So many of us plan our financial life with so little references to Al-Quran or so little consideration on what is the best way according to Islam in managing wealth. Along the way, we see that our financial life does not go as we wanted. Then we ask WHY? We wonder we did wrong. Did we miss somethin'? Indeed, we missed a lot of thing. Most importantly, we didn't plan our financial life with ALLAH in mind. We plan our money without ALLAH.

So how is it plan our financial life with ALLAH? Every single day, at least 17 times that we surrender to ALLAH through prayer. We confess that in prayer, deeds, life & death is only for the glory of ALLAH. But then, after the prayer is done, we turn around, grab our purse & hp, hit the door and leave ALLAH behind.

So, is the practice of managing wealth according to Islamic guidance only by using Islamic investment products? Is it enough to be more Islamic in our financial life? Well, not that simple. What is the essence of planning our financial life in Islamic way? The essence is that we accept, with mind, heart, soul, deeds & consciousness that the money, wealth & possession (pemilikan) that we're have in our hand is belong to ALLAH. Every single piece of our wealth belong to ALLAH. We are so used to think and act that the wealth we have in our hand is belong to us. In Islam, it is clear that everything belongs to ALLAH. This is the most essential concept that change our mindset from "these are mine" to "all belong to ALLAH"

Wallahu'alam... Juz wanna share my thoughts

Start saving, keep saving, and stick to your goals

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